Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Today i found my blog.Long time no use.Never the less i miss my blog.I promised myself that i write one blog each month.But I absent.My net was broken.Now new link is used at new hostel.I remember my freetimes.Now Our Nation rise sun.Little cool.I want to eat season taste as shown in fig: with tea.Here our tests resently come with NEW YEAR 2007.Exams also come at the same time.See you next month My little blog!


Thursday, August 31, 2006

Happy birthday to my friend who one day younger than me

He was bron in Mandalay ,Myanmar(Burma).Now he grown up and know everything.I know him well.Never the less I've been aware of it only for one month.He searching his way what believe it or not ,you have to leave everything oneday!I don't know he really do it!But he isn't kidding. First of all , whatever you see don't put it in your mind ,because everything has to old and destroy. Second, whatever you hear , don't think whatever they said. keep thinking of Damma.It's easy to listen what they said, and difficult to follow.He told that i don't have enought knowledge as well but i'm trying to understand myself but i don't know how to explain to the others. I've been always thinking !


Saturday, July 29, 2006

Drinking water!

We use one cup and drink water.We live on the world that way.What is important for you?Water or Cup !Water will be changed by Everything * Everybody. Never the less it is strong.That is nature.Now a day, All over the world we use many kind of cups. Start with wood.What kind of cup are you like to drink ?Me? I hold one cup of water now!


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

They are growing!

Time is running.Weather is hot.Nature is fresh. I like blue.Ground is green.But it is strong and has strength.Flowers are growing. Nothing wrong. Something wrong , if someone will wrong. I'm thinking , we are staying with nature under sky. We will grow as nature on the earth. I blush to earth for my staying. So I try more than i can .


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Welcome! My home page.

Other say that what i do .But I told that i done.Actually,I am Student.Long life as student. Life is University.Many subjects have , More people can teach now a day. I'm also including with them.Another Day i also think about life.Today,too.What are you doing now? Aspecially,i catch .Never the less, i often arrived in the passage.Future,Arr..surelly i have. But Sooner not equal to Future.At the moment,I interesting all on the one way or road.I do as much as i can. Help another as i , write , discuss , etc. Nice staying.It wasn't intended for people to be lonely or to live alone. Seriously, when i don't think what i should be do ,Someone told me,Do it,Start catching one, continuouslyCarry on.Thank a lot for advise. So now i like that i do.


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